• CGL technology delivers lower emissions fuels and cleaner alternatives for power generation, replacing coal and oil.
  • CGL supports the energy transition away from coal and oil and LNG, whose liquefaction process emits significant amounts of carbon dioxide.
  • Low-cost natural gas and LPGs are critical to supporting global decarbonization. Adding more gas-fired generation is the fastest way to reduce particulate matter emissions and remove air quality.
  • LNG terminals require hundreds of acres, impacting wildlife and destroying natural habitats. CGL terminals export an equivalent amount of natural gas on a fraction of the land.
  • CGL supports the delivery of cleaner burning natural gas for power generation. On a lifecycle basis, natural gas emits 45% of the carbon dioxide of coal and 30% of the carbon dioxide of oil to generate power. It also provides grid stability and flexibility for power systems currently reliant on renewables.
  • 1 ton of LNG emits 0.36 tons of CO2 from production (liquefaction), shipping, and regasification. 1 ton of CGL emits just 0.13 tons of CO2 from production, shipping, and fractionation.*

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, DEFRA (UK Department for Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs) conversion rates to calculate LNG emissions, May 5, 2021 article "Cheniere and Shell Collaborate to Deliver Carbon-Neutral US LNG to Europe", and Company Information.

Emissions Profile of CGL™ Delivery Compared to LNG and NGLs

Emissions Profile
CO2 Equivalent GWP (MT/yr) % Savings
Total LNG/NGL Processing 595,024  
CGL Processing 203,102 ~66%
Total LNG/NGL Transportation 486,572  
CGL Transportation 258,738 ~47%

With CGL, SeaOne Has:

  • Enabled a Lower Carbon Future
  • Developed a Better Way of Delivering Energy
  • Invested in People, Growing Economies, and a Sustainable Energy Future