CGL Storage and Peak Shaving

CGL™ Technology can be utilized in onsite natural gas storage systems for gas-fired generation.

It offers truly firm gas supply reliability with zero air pollutant emissions.

  • Offers an alternative to offsite gas storage or pipeline transportation which, despite firm contracts, can still experience force majeure interruptions
  • Offers an alternative to onsite oil storage with its inherent high emissions and high costs
  • Creates protection from price volatility since the generator can buy gas when the price is low and store it until they need it
  • CGL stores natural gas at -40ºF, so extreme cold weather conditions do not present a threat to reliability and accessibility
  • CGL facilities offer a low emissions profile, equipment, and design, providing an excellent carbon footprint compared to other fuel storage systems and much faster permitting
  • Uses mature gas processing technology backed by 10 US patents and 84 international patents. Over $100 million invested in full technical and regulatory validation

How CGL Technology Makes Onsite Fuel Available to Gas-Fired Generation