CGL™ transportation solutions

Ocean-going Compressed Gas Liquid™ Carriers (CGLCs) and Articulated Tug Barges (AT/Bs) are designed to transport the CGL cargo. SeaOne has designed, engineered, and third-party verified these vessels.

CGLC Facts

  • 100% full cargo containment means no sloshing, no free surface area, no boil-off issues, and no heel
  • FEED studies completed on several CGLC sizes
  • Vessel technical reviews completed and approved by the American Bureau of Shipping (Class), Marshall Islands (Flag State), United States Coast Guard, and the International Maritime Organization
  • ABS has worked closely with SeaOne for more than a decade in the development of the CGL containment system that will be used in the vessels. The CGL storage system has also received Approval in Principle status from Lloyd’s Register
  • The ships will meet all applicable requirements of the International Gas Carrier (IGC) Code
  • The hullform of the 2.0 BCF CGLC has been subjected to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) testing and confirmed by model tests
  • Low emissions guaranteed from CGLC propulsion and power generating systems by using propane for fuel. The systems will also feature state-of-the art hybrid power components, including renewable energy storage to achieve further reductions in fuel consumption, emissions, and maintenance costs
  • Designs have also been reviewed by the Mississippi State Pilots of Gulfport, MS and the Aransas-Corpus Christi Pilots
  • SeaOne expects to enter into a CGLC Unit Time Charterparty Agreement for each CGLC